Students with Reading Difficulties
Diagnostic Testing
Students with reading or learning difficulties generally are first identified by their primary school teachers or their families. Thereafter, the school board requests an evaluation by a school psychologist or certified special education professional in order for the student to be diagnosed as a Special Education Needs (SEN) student.46
Instruction for Children with Reading Difficulties
After a student is diagnosed with reading difficulties, a school psychologist or certified special education professional will recommend an individual educational plan for teaching and learning that includes any necessary aid technologies. This plan must involve the student’s teacher, parents, and a special education professional. Thereafter, the school’s pedagogical and executive boards must approve the proposed individualized special education plan.47 Each plan includes pedagogical support, curricular and assessment provisions or modifications, and the use of any necessary technological aids. Plans for SEN students are designed to promote their educational and social inclusion and increase their level of educational achievement.48 Professional recommendations for students with reading or learning disabilities may include repetitive reading instructions, the assignment of shorter texts to read, a reduction of the prescribed reading speed, and reading comprehension checks.49